As usual new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active.

For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the flight controller unit is fine as it was set up), let’s take a look at what is coming with this update (for free) in addition to previous versions already released:

– Software: 3.4.186, Firmware: 3.4.186 (67° official release), 10 July 2024:

  • Added measurement of SAT1 & SAT2 power voltage and added the new loggable parameter “SAT voltage” as an additional diagnostic check
  • Added to the ELRS/TBS other six new transmitted telemetry values: Main rotor RPM, Temperature, Servo Voltage, Global Vibrations, Vertical Speed, Relative Altitude (the last two only when a Variometer is connected, and the related telemetry activated)
  • For loggable value Servo Voltage, the vertical scale in Realtime and Recoded display was increased from 9V to 13V for new 12V servos
  • For the OMP, ZTW, XDfly ESCs for which the manufacturers have not provided in their configuration software the Correction Factor for the current consumed to compensate for the inevitable tolerances of the components used in production, the “mAh Correction Factor %” of the flight controller has been activated. The same was also done for the other ESCs that already have the correction factor in their configuration software (YGE, Kontronik, Scorpion) because it is much simpler, easier and faster to do this using the configuration apps of the flight control units or the Integration at the flying field
  • Improved decoding of serial telemetry signals transmitted with high bps by some ESC types (Kontronik, HWV5, OMP, ZTW, XDFly) when used simultaneously with receivers using high bps serial protocols (Crossfire, F.Bus)
  • Added: “RadioMaster ELRS” (precedent generic “RadioMaster” that becomes “RadioMaster 4in1”) on the curtains of first panel of the Wizard
  • Added some instructions, changed some instructions, some tooltip, some labels in the app and also in the Integrations to be clearer
  • New version of the document “README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf”
  • New version of the document “README_for_OpenTX_EdgeTX_integration_for_BRAIN.pdf”
  • Released new version of ETHOS Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt). Suggested ETHOS version 1.5.8 or successive
  • Released new version of EdgeTX/OpenTX Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt)
  • Released new version of TBS/ELRS Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt)
  • Improvements / optimization / compression / size reduction / code speedup

Android / iOS app’s:

The code of the application was completely rewritten using a new and better development system with new libraries

All new features and improvements already listed for this “Software & “Firmware” release

As usual, the release of Android and especially iOS apps publication still needs some time for testing and approval by Google & Apple


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