As usual new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active.
For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the flight controller unit is fine as it was set up), let’s take a look at what is coming with this update:

– Software 3.4.000, Firmware 3.4.000 (48°) 09 June 2021

• Introduced in the Telemetry section the new “Min V to go (cell num.)” parameter that (optionally) signals by swashplate movement of the elevator if at power on the battery pack is low (instructions in the related balloon)
• Added F.Port2 uninverted (selecting multiprotocol icon) and inverted decoding (selecting the new icon). Tested with Archer R4 receiver and with the R-XSR (FW: “RXSR_ACCESS_2.1.7”). No special cable required
• Added F.Port inverted decoding (selecting the new icon). No special cable required
• Now with FrSky / OpenTX, the telemetry transmission of “Global Vibrations” value works even with Combustion models that use “Basic Telemetry” or “Also Temperature Sensor”
• Now if an Avian or Firma ESC with new 2021 firmware are used, the Brain2/iKon2 Integration is disabled to avoid conflict with ESC integration and let running at least the ESC integration that cannot disabled or firmware downgraded (for now)
• Now also some models of FlyFun ESC (Hobbywing) that sometime at “power on” enter in “PROGRAM CARD” communication mode, are now working regularly
• Modified the Twin Rotors management so that it can also work on models other than Vario models
• Improved telemetric S.Bus2 operations with Futaba T-FHSS receivers (EG: R31001SB/R008SB)
• Revised integration management on Graupner (Hott / SUMD) radio systems to improve speed
• Introduced a workaround for a problem with new firmware subsequent the version 2.1.2 released for ARCHER RS receivers when the Fail Safe is set to “No pulses”
• Improved the Bind procedure by software with SPM4650
• Raised the required value required from B-Aux1 radio channel for Auto Level / Rescue activation for user that set the range for this channel from 0% to 100% instead of -100% +100%
• Added the new panel for “Support Request” that finally send automatically to our technical support together the request also the Configuration file, the Events file and a Flight Log file. It is accessible from the Help menu or from the DIAGNOSTIC section
• After having given the command “Reset to Factory Default” from the File menu and closed the software, if you try to reopen the software without having cycled the power supply of the flight control unit as explained in the instructions, the software does not start, and a message appears indicating the user’s error
• If you try to load a configuration file that is wrong or that has been saved immediately after the “Reset to Factory Default” command from the File menu, the file is not loaded, and a message appears
• If a Configuration file (MTR) is loaded in Demo Mode, panel 5 of Wizard displays the Transmitter values saved at the time the configuration file was saved
• Added in the message box that appear after a Firmware update, the phrase: ‘After updates that introduce changes to the Flight Logs, it may be necessary to reinitialize the Flight Log memory by re-formatting it with the “Erase Logs memory” command.’
• To select the flight control unit kind you want use in Demo Mode now just double click on it (no more select it, then move to “OK” button and push)
• Wizard panel 2 enhanced final paragraph for internal combustion engines
• When Spektrum SRXL2 or SRXL rx is selected, in the message box that appear when “Spektrum bind” checkbox is selected added the phrase: “Re-power the unit not from USB but from the servo connectors to power also the receiver connected to the CH3 connector”
• Wizard panel 3 “Receiver Selection”, when old Brain or Micro Brain are connected (or emulated in Demo mode), in the multiprotocol icon, the SRXL2 and F.Port protocol not working with these units are forbidden for more clarity
• Added instructions for B-Aux3 in panel 4 of Wizard
• Added in “Servo chart Cyclic” old Futaba S3050 servo
• Now in the panel 8 of the Wizard the eventual writing “Swashplate not selected” is all in capital and in red color
• In ADVANCED, Common tab, Receiver, when the check box “Is set in software” is selected for the tail gain, the radio channel that was previously set for the same function, even if it is still displayed but “whitened”, can be freely assigned to other functions
• In ADVANCED, Common tab, Governor: the MAX value for “Bailout Ramp” reduced from 70 to 40, to avoid tail lost caused by excessive main rotor acceleration speed
• In ADVANCED, Setup tab, INPUT: the label “Pitch Exponential:” changed to “Pitch Exponential (Antigravity):”
• Added for diagnostic purpose to the loggable parameters “Gyro sensor Temperature C°”.
• Changed in DIAGNOSTIC => “Recorded Logs the name of button “Erase all Logs” (black) to “Erase Logs mem.” (red). In Italian: from “Cancella i Logs” to “Cancella Memoria”
• In DIAGNOSTIC, unit of measurement of “Power Out” changed from % to PWM
• Now in DIAGNOSTIC, Vibrations tab, any harmful low-frequency vibrations/oscillations remain outside the gray area of acceptability
• DIAGNOSTIC, Events tab, for some types of Events, reduced the possibility of them repeating more than twice every second, saturating completely the event list
• Now in DIAGNOSTIC, Events tab, the “Power On” row is highlighted in yellow to clearly show where a session ends and a new one begins
• Now in DIAGNOSTIC, Events tab, changed color of the event n°102 “Power Voltage below 16,6% than startup” from yellow to orange
• Now in DIAGNOSTIC, Events tab, pressing “Refresh Events” or (in Demo Mode) “Load from File”, the normal sort sequence is restored
• Added Events “Receiver connected”, “Satellite1 connected”, “Satellite2 connected”, recorded at power on
• New downloadable version of the pack (X7Q updated to the new OTX 2.3.11 work again), see the inside Release Notes
• Updated version of Brain.bin file inside the new downloadable “” file for Jeti Integration, see the inside Release Notes
• New version of “README_for_OpenTX_integration_for_BRAIN.pdf”
• New version of “README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf”
• Added Portuguese language
• Revised French instructions
• Many little revision of names, titles, labels, units, instructions (English and Italian)
• Improvements/optimization/compression/size reduction/speed up of the code

Android / iOS app’s:
All the new functions and improvements already listed for this “Software & “Firmware” release, plus:
• iOS: revised for working also with the new versions of Night Theme
• Android: Improved the graphic display in landscape mode

As usual for the Android and especially iOS app publication is needed some more time not dependent from us but from Google and especially Apple.


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