As usual new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active.

For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the flight controller unit is fine as it was set up), let’s take a look at what is coming with this update:


  • Software: 3.4.086, Firmware; 3.4.086 (55°), 02 November 2022:
  • Improvements, changes, and corrections to previous version 3.4.084 when telemetry is active with F.Bus & F.Port protocol
  • Added “Altitude” & “VSpeed” to the loggable parameters. The first sensor activated is the FrSky ADV VARI sensor to be connected on the F.Bus
  • Updating the Events screen can now also be done using the left “Ctrl” button on the keyboard
  • On page 1 of the Wizard (page that opens after each update when running the Windows app) the Internet connection status has been moved to the first position and is highlighted in red if there are problems with connection or no connection to the Internet
  • In the firmware update window, added the sentence explaining that a stable Internet connection is required for the update
  • Increased the number of retries during firmware updates when the Windows app connects to our update servers
  • As user request, reduced the minimum values for Speed 1, 2, 3 on the Governor page from 1000rpm to 800rpm
  • In ADVANCED, Common tab, Servos, the “Tail Motor Driven” selection is now only possible for tail servo 4
  • Revised French instructions
  • New version of “README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf” document
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