As usual new Software and new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active.
For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the controller is fine as it was set up), let’s take a look at what is coming with this update:

  • Software 3.3.027, Firmware 3.3.027 (44°) 07 July 2020
  • Added the management for logging in real time or into Flight logs also the Spektrum AVIAN / FIRMA ESC telemetry data
  • Added in the Spektrum Integration (only) the telemetry selection also for Spektrum AVIAN / FIRMA ESC
  • Added a warning message if “Also Spektrum AVIAN / FIRMA ESC telemetry” is selected when SRXL2 is not selected
  • For the old Brain/iKon control units (1) the automatic reporting of obsolete firmware to be updated has been restored following numerous reports of problems due only to the incredibly old firmware used
  • For F.Port protocol used with ACCESS transmission (7mS frame rate instead of 9mS with ACCST) improved the flow of telemetry data’s
  • Jeti Integration: now Governor Deadband parameter is tunable
  • Events: further increased the delta between values that trigger and un-trigger the event “Throttle output limit reached”
  • During firmware update if an error occurs, now software does not close itself, but an error message with explanations is generated
  • Wizard panel 3 “Receiver Selection (Input)”: added info’s related to the telemetry with S.Bus or S.Bus2
  • Wizard panel 3 “Receiver Selection (Input)”: added info’s about satellite’s type when Spektrum SRXL2 or SRXL is selected
  • Wizard panel 3: after “PPM/SUMO”, “Spektrum DSM2” & “Spektrum DSMX” instructions, added some info’s related to ESC/Thermal telemetry and channel assignments
  • Now B-Aux2 can be set to the same radio channel used for other functions, EG: Setup selection, B-Aux1, etc.
  • Implemented frame rate measurement also for 15ms Jeti PPM other than 20ms Futaba PPM and 30ms SUMO (when more than 8 channels)
  • Modified under the top “?” menu, the label “About” in to “Release Notes”
  • On the start of Release Notes completed and cleared which are the SW and FW actual versions
  • Revised the random number generator in Demo Mode for Servo Voltage to do not exceed 8,4V
  • Revised components selections on page 1 of the Wizard to be better used with combustion models: added Gasser, external BEC, kind of servos for carburetor control, etc.
  • Added in the Motor Type list of page 1 of the Wizard “Egodrift” brand
  • Added in the ESC Type list of page 1 of the Wizard “Spektrum” brand (for AVIAN / FIRMA)
  • In ADVANCED, Common, Receiver, added a warning message if for B-Aux1 is selected a channel already used for main functions
  • Download Flight Logs window: now it is possible to directly download a Flight Log with a double click on it
  • Under DIAGNOSTIC => Vibration tab the value for the new Global Vibrations” parameter become red if greater than 200
  • New version of README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf document (also added a new page for Avian/Firma ESC’s)
  • New version of README_for_Analogic_integration_by_TX_dials.pdf document
  • New version of README_for_Spektrum_Integration.pdf document
  • New version of README_for_Jeti_integration_for_BRAIN.pdf document
  • New version of README_for_OpenTX_Integration.pdf document
  • New version of README_for_HOTT_telemetry_and_integration_for_BRAIN.pdf document
  • New version of README_for_MSH51610_Dongle_Bluetooth_Brain.pdf document
  • Revised Russian instructions
  • Revised French instructions
  • Revised labels, instructions and balloons (English and Italian) also some labels / names on integrations
  • Improvements/optimization/compression/size reduction/speed up of the code

Android / iOS app’s:
All the new functions and improvements already listed for this “Software & “Firmware” release, plus:

Advanced -> Bank -> Gov & Stab: added the slider for “Maximum Angle” value
Advanced -> Bank -> Gov & Stab: fixed a problem that Max Angle returned to 45° at each access
Once downloaded a Flight Log the same Flight Log is no more downloaded again if you try again
Diagnostic: same RPM scale selection & memorization like Windows for parameter 11
After a Firmware update the release notes page appear automatically like in Windows app
New iOS version with a new implementation for the new iOS “Dark Mode”

As usual for the Android and especially iOS app publication is needed some more time not dependent from us but from Google and especially Apple.

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