Latest versions at Brain2. DSM2 satellite. I select the DSM2 1024/22ms, 7ch on Brain App. I am able to bind, but after this no transmitter input at brain app. The status bar (in app) of the SAT1 is always red. Transmitter is multiprotocol with EdgeTX.
What could possibly gone wrong?
Can you read and do as indicated in the sticky post: ?
Thank you!
Are these original Spektrum satellites?
Have you tried binding in DSM2 2048/11ms mode yet?
What brand and model of transmitter are you using?
What version of EDGE are you using?
Have you updated both your transmitter and multimodule firmware to the latest version available?
Is the configuration you have set up as follows?
The user never answered the questions.
The user did not have the courtesy to say whether he has since solved his problem.
Likely he did not answer because he has resolved it.
By not explaining why he had the reported problem and how he solved it, this post is not helpful to anyone.
Therefore, after three months of waiting for a response, we are closing the post.