I just bought two of MSH51645 and notice the wire from the circuit board to the Brain Sat 1 port is now very short. Why did you change this? The previous version worked better for installing a Brain and receiver.
If you have a reason for the change, maybe offer the original and a new part or product number for the new version rather than no choice for getting the older version.
Hi web012,
Thank you for contacting us.
However, we cannot understand what you are referring to.
To help us understand what you are referring to by putting us in a position to be able to answer you, you should send us photos of the "before" and "after" you are referring to.
Okay, thank you.
Now it is clearer what you are referring to.
By connecting one of the two female sockets of one of the two leads to the male socket of the other lead, the total length has not changed from before:
However, the addition of a male socket allows the individual female connectors of many FrSky receiver models to be connected directly to the signal contact (yellow cable).
Compared with the previous version, the cost of the two additional connectors and the six additional contact crimps increased the cost of the product significantly.
However, we did not increase the acquisition price to users but did so solely and exclusively to make it easier and simpler for users to connect with whatever type of receiver they use without the need to cut and crimp new connectors anymore.
This change was introduced four years ago and until now no one had complained.
The wire going from the circuit board to the Brain in the picture you posted is much longer than the ones I was sent. Actually all the wires in your picture are longer.
I get the impression that the one you showed is the desired form of the product - and would be fine with me - but the ones I got were not manufactured to specification (see red arrow).
The leads in the photos were the initial prototypes that were photographed just to demonstrate the simplicity of the two different types of male or female connections.
We have updated the photos.
But the important thing is that, as we have already mentioned, in production they were made so that the total length was the same (if not greater) than the previous version by getting the same female output as in the previous version: